First day of our jungle trekking expedition in search for a good downhill trail and it rained like hell, so we took cover and stopped. Snake brought up this camp fire story thing about the Chinese Ghost Month 鬼月to us while we were still in the jungle…
Once a year, at midnight, on the last day of the Sixth Lunar Month, which is usually towards the end of August in our widely use Gregorian calendar. The kingpin of the Chinese underworld will open the gates of hell – and countless number of starving spirits are set free to roam the realm of the living. For 30 days these spirits are free to visit earth and stuff their bellies with all the food their families and friends prepared for them, before they return to hell. This is the Chinese Halloween and known to many as the Festival of the Hungry Ghosts. Ever wonder why are all the ghosts are hungry? Well, it is said that in hell, they are forced to eat rotten scraps as punishment for their misdeeds during their time on earth.
Long ass fucking time ago in China during the Liang Dynasty (AD 502-556) the Emperor had a strange dream. In the dream, he was told to hold prayers for the spirits of all those who had lost their lives in shipwrecks and on land. He immediately ordered the construction of a large altar. Later, he held a gigantic feast on the 15th day of the Seventh Lunar Month to which all departed spirits and their living relatives were invited. Hence it was the birth of the Festival of the Hungry Ghost.
When we were young, we were told not to go out alone, do not make unkind remarks, do not touch the offerings, do not go swimming and stay at home after dark during this festival, because there would be wicked spirits amongst the throngs of spirits that are let loose and they are looking for replacements.
Well, it ain’t all that bad because during festival, worshippers keep a sharp look out for the Spirit of Luck and Virtue. He can be easily identified by his tall hat on which are painted with the Chinese characters 「一见发财」which means “See me and you shall have great wealth”. He holds a palm-leaf fan in his right hand and wears a white gown. His face is very white and has no nose and eyes. He greets people by sticking out his long, red tongue. He is also known as The Unpredictable Ghost because he could either bring good fortune to those he meets or he could become nasty and aggressive. He could give you a lump of clay, which when touched, turns into a solid gold brick – if the person is honest and kind-hearted. Damn there’s always a catch. I guess he is like the Chinese Santa Clause which comes to town every year, to reward well behaved kids with solid gold bricks; so people be good and behave if you want to get a solid gold brick and not a solid brick of crap.

Worshipers offering hell money and hope their effort appeases the spirits and be rewarded with good fortune. Well, in this case hot sexy worshipers who stays across from my place … :P
Heart-Shaped Glasses (When the Heart Guides the Hand)
By Marilyn Manson
She reminds me of the one in school,
when I was gutted she was dressed in white.
And I couldn’t take my eyes off her,
but that’s not what I took off that night,.
She’ll never cover up what we did with her dress.
She said “kiss me it’ll heal,
but it won’t forget”.
“Kiss me it’ll heal,
but it won’t forget”.
I don’t mind you keeping me on pins and needles.
If I could stick to you,
and you could stick me too.
Don’t break,
Don’t break my heart,
and I won’t break your heart shaped glasses.
Little girl,
little girl you should close your eyes,
that blue is getting me high.
Don’t break,
Don’t break my heart,
and I won’t break your heart shaped glasses.
Little girl,
little girl you should close your eyes,
that blue is getting me high.
Making me low.
That blue is getting me high.
Making me low.
I couldn’t take my hands off her,
she wouldn’t let me be anywhere but inside.
I don’t mind you keeping me on pins and needles.
If I could stick to you,
and you could stick me too.
Don’t break,
Don’t break my heart,
and I won’t break your heart shaped glasses.
Little girl,
little girl you should close your eyes,
that blue is getting me high.
Making me low.