I was reading about the great Aztec civilization, and guess what? They are a bunch of ass wipes if you asked me. No wonder the Spanish wiped them out. In a cave in Tehuacan Valley 161km south-east of Mexico City, uncountable headless corpses of human sacrifices of the Aztec religion from 7000 BC have been found. They believe that Coyolxauhqui, the moon goddess and her brothers, the 400 stars plotted to murder their mother Caotlicue, after she has conceived Huitzilopochtli, the god of war. But when Caotilicue died, Huitzilopochtli emerged from her worm fully grown and armed. He slaughtered the stars and Coyolxauhqui and dismembered her body. This is the symbolic model for how the Aztec suppressed their enemies. Their religion celebrates savagery and they are the most bloodthirsty lot. They conduct war just simply to supply their temple with huge number of human sacrifices. They believe that the sun would be too tired to rise each morning if it was not nourished by gallons of blood and stack of fresh human hearts. The sacrifice always carried out the same way: Their hearts cut out of the victims’ bodies while they are still alive. Sacrifice would take place on top of great pyramid-shaped temples, using a special sacrificial knife and a bowl in which to hold the heart and blood. Their temples also had vast skull rack, where the head of victims were kept. It all came to an end when their King Ahuitzolt opened the great Temple at their capital and 20,000 captives were sacrifice during the dedication. The Spanish witnessed the extend of the butchery during the festival of the Aztec god of war, Huitzilopochtli. They were so terrified that they turned on them and slaughter them and razed their capital to the ground. The modern-day Mexico City is built on its ruins.
Not only these ass wipes has a peculiar believe system but they have some odd taste too. It is said that the Aztec have their chocolate with chili. It may sound so wrong, but once you taste it, you might like it or you might even go like “hey, these primitive fuck heads got taste!” Here’s an Aztec inspired drink for those who has a little Aztec blood in them:
Chili Malted Chocolate Milk
1 Cup Chocolate milk
1/3 Cup Malt Drink (Malta)
2 Small Chili/Chili Padi finely chopped