Updated 10.10.07
***I wanted to do a new post but I rather have all my 3 wives in one post, so here you go***
Meet the newest addition to my wifey collection – my spanking new Intense 5.5 EVP full suspension downhill bike. It arrived late yesterday, so I only started putting her together this morning and I am finally done. It just needs a little tune up by the real biking experts - People who make a living assembling and fixing bikes. No I am not that guy, I am the one who just rides them hard and spend my hard earn money fixing them. Shit load of pictures ahead…

The logo “Intense Racing”- I like their logo compare to other bike houses.

King headset and Easton handle bar holder.

Front fork, Manitou Minute 3:00 fork 130mm travel. I was thinking of a heavy duty downhill fork but that was way out of my budget, this is will do for the time.

Shimano hydraulic disc brakes YAY!!!. The Shimano XTR group set cost me a bomb!!!!

Easton carbon fiber handle bar with Shimano XTR gear shifter and cables.

Rear shock, Manitou Swinger 4 way adjust with SPV (brain), this baby is great. It detects the condition of the terrain and auto locks the shock, so that you will not waste your energy paddling on flat terrain and it auto unlocks itself when you attempt to jump off a cliff. This is the best invention ever.

Italia leather seats and the seat post can auto adjust seat post. It will auto adjust its height with one flip of the button.

My 3rd Wifey, the Intense 5point5 EVP, in her new house, equipped with XTR rims and Kenda tires. She weights about 19Kgs slightly heavier than my Giant XTC II which weights approximately 9kgs. She needs the weight because this bike is made for downhill and not cross country. Whereas the light weight Giant XTCII of mine is a great cross country bike.
This is a tribute to my second wife, we have been through a hell of of shit and purge together but i am sorry I going to strip you naked and hang you on the wall like your predecessor . It's going to be a couple of days more before you are going to be replace so here is my thanks for all the good times we had ...wukakakaka.