I took my pills and slept at 8pm last night, (i even force woa woa to sleep at 8pm just to be sure) and never have i been to dedicated in doing something - trying to get better, because then only my mum would allowed me to go watch iron man. (bloody hell, why am i treated like a 8 fucking year old?) but the good news is i felt much better and i was allowed out to watched the fucking movie, which you know out of all the superheroes, i wanna be iron man, he has been my favorite, why? alright, i don't wanna be iron man, even though it is cool suit of armor but i rather just be Tony Stark, watched the show and you will know why, Damn it, i know rich people can afford to have their private jet but Tony Stark takes it to a new level where he not only own a supra cool private jet, be he stock it with super hot and sexy air stewardess who not only serve drinks and whatever shit air stewardess does, but he place a poll in the middle of the jet where the stewardess can pole dance too. Gwyneth Paltrow as Miss Potts... (nothing good, never been a big fan of Gwyneth Paltrow) Jeff Bridges is fucking cool bald but Robert Downey Jr. as Tony Stark, no matter how many times he has been in and out of prison, i fucking think he is a great Tony Stark. go check it out and enjoy the wild ride - 2 hours worth of high tech weaponry, occasionally hot chicks and rock metal music (AC/DC 's Back in Black, Black Sabbath's Iron Man nothing fits more than Man and Metal). All i can say is, chic flick is dying, it is the era of the superheroes flicks or men in weird costume era. Unlike it's predecessor, iron man does not have super human ability, the only thing he got is brains, tech and money. Only complain is the final fighting sequences and not enough hot chicks in the show. It seems like it is going to be a trilogy for this one and i can't wait for the next where iron man's nemesis Mandarin is gonna be out. Now i leave you with the bootleg version of the iron dude in full pirate technical color. Enjoy... so this is how bootleg cinema copy DVD are made, gotta make one to appreciate it...
++update 050208: fucking 7-11 in Malaysia doesn't have Iron Man Slurpee Straw :( . Anyway, in celebrate Iron Man triumph over pole dancing air stewardess, i decided to have a new look for my wiki icon :P Damn i am so bored of being in bed all day , i had to watch iron man's animated movie again, how sad.