*introduction of the 12 days of Mellon Collie is available at the xniquet-wiki, click on the above wiki logo link to go to the section, so that you might have a better understanding of what is happening here*
If you think you see the last of me, you are right. Yeah, my time is nearly up, it won’t be long. There’s no need to run and hide. There is no need because the damage has been done, tomorrow will still be coming but it is too late. I say even gods deny the power to change the truth, on lips of a dying man, I will spoke the truth. I can see my fate, as I plan to make my great escape. Tomorrow is too late, there is no hope. No doubt about it, this is the end. Don’t think about it, a broken man; just think about it, this is my end.
Howling at the moon, your blood is slithering inside my vein. I will be there with you, and it gives me hope….