After watching the news about what’s the fuss and whining and protesting about this short film, all i did was connected to the internet, Google the word “fitna” and within 40 minutes, the approximately 16 minutes short film was already in my hard disk. I spent another 1 minute to sync it into my pocket pc and I was good to go. I was too lazy to sit up, so by syncing it into my pocket pc, i was able to watch it in bed. Now wasn’t that easy? For those who don’t know what the hell “fitna” is, here is the link to its Wiki and no it isn't the x-wiki. It is the real one because unlike the real Wikipedia, the xniquet-wiki doesn’t writes about such non-sense XD.
Name: Fitna
Director/Writer/Producor: Geert Wilders
Release date: March 27, 2008
Running time: 16:48
My Review: My take on the show is that Shogun Assassin kicks this show’s ass anytime. It wasn’t anywhere close to gruesome and they have the “this film contains shocking images” thingy in front. Shogun Assassin has got more blood, tities and shocking scene than this show. So I don’t see what is the point of making this show?
What to expect: For a person who constantly watches the news and reads about it, it is just a recap of what is happening and the writer is trying to link it up with some of the Qur’an verses. Scenes of extremist leaders asking his followers to kill non believers in the name of their God while whipping out his samurai sword; what little kids thinks about jews, pigs and ape; interview with a murderer who is proud of killing someone who insulted his god; a picture of a severed head of a women; a guy who openly admit that he will kill his mother and sister if they ever slept with someone else; picture of a women undergoing genital mutilation, snuff video clip of Eugene Armstrong’s beheading by the Al-Qaeda terrorist…etc…etc
I don’t wanna go into any more detail because the thought of the images and clips really did took place sicken me to the guts. I really think that this film is really not necessary, it really gives all Muslims a bad name and if I haven’t got Muslim friends who are so gentle that they wouldn’t even hurt a fly, I would pretty much buy into all the bull crap that this film is promoting. The problem here is not with the religion but with the idiot who misinterpret what he is to do and goes way over his head, turn into a zealot and tries to do things the wrong way which he thinks is correct, thus making his fellow believer and his religion looks bad. It kinda reminds me of the scene in the movie “The Kingdom of Heaven” where the one of the higher ranking Knight Templar asks his fellows Templar to attack merchant caravans full of women and children because it is the will of God. These guys are really fruit cakes and they deserve to be in strait jackets.
If you ask me - killing someone because he wrote something insulting about your god? i don’t believe in that. Shit still, killing the translators of a book that is deemed to be heretic to your religion? That is so damn low. Why don’t you ask your God to do his own killing and stop making decision for him and acting on his behalf. Boycott Dutch products? Sure i will, when I find a product that says it was made by Geert Wilders, if not, i’ll be off drinking my Dutch lady low fat yogurt drink. Why should the whole of Netherlands suffer on the count of a dumb ass that has nothing better to do than make videos with his Window Movie Maker.