I think I should have done this post as soon as I changed the theme to my blog, like the previous blog theme xniquet’s becoming x, I know I lot of you got confused on how to navigate around this blog and what more after warming up to the previous layout, I changed the whole setting again. But once you get used to it, you will see that it is actually pretty simple to get around this blog, except for maybe the loading of the pictures and graphics, because, I can compromise with the videos or songs but I just couldn’t bring myself to compromise on the quality of the pictures and graphics here. We don’t serve crap pictures and graphics here, so I am sorry if I killed your bandwidth. Anyway, this will be a very comprehensive guide to use Middle Finger Technology: Please refer to the diagram beside this for reference.
Like any other blog, this one has got a banner too, but this banner serves another purpose, that is to promote upcoming post and sometimes also some updates in my life which is not blog worthy but I still wanna bring it up.
As you can see there are 6 tabs here filled with 1950s Burlesk advertisement taken from the newspaper. This is actually the main navigation tabs:
This is to the about the author section. It will bring you to the xniquet-wiki post about the author where you can read all about him.
This is where you will find all the old post segregated by labels, dates and also series. Here you will also find links to other people’s blog whom has written about this blog/author.
This is the feed button actually. Like it says…subscribe to this blog.
This is the one everybody is asking- “How do I comment?” Click here and you are able to comment. I am sorry that I don’t reply comments here but if you leave your name and link there, I will be sure to reply you in your blog.
This is section where I will post up whatever you wanna say about me, love me, hate me or you just wanna say thanks for convincing you to kill yourself. To do so, you can fill in a pre-generated form here.
Like it says, you can email me, hate mails are welcome too.
This is a new addition to this blog; this is where all future vlogs are going to be posted. It is also made for anyone who wants to promote their blog, themselves or their talent. You can send me a video which you wanna promote and I will be more than happy to place it up here - absolutely free. Nudity, violence, vulgarity is encouraged; besides that is what Middle Finger Technology is all about.
This are actually more links to more section of this blog like: other blogger’s link, chat box, the xniquet-wiki and xniquet’s house of useless vlogs.
If you are too lazy to go to the archive section of this blog, here are the last 10 post for your reading pleasure.
Not only he blogs, he points and click with his crappy camera phone; here you will get to see what I see with my eyes. If you have a Flickr account, remember to add me in.
Last but not least, the hidden sections to this blog. There are two hidden section of this blog:
This is the section where xniquet rants about the government and give insight to what he thinks is a government conspiracy.
The Die-ry of xniquet:
This section where all of post and picture of xniquet’s scandals are posted.
These section can only be access by clicking on the hidden button on this blog or by subscribing to this blog’s feed.
when you see this, it means there are some xniquet-wiki articles related to this post:

the xniquet-wiki articles forthis post:
xniquet's offical blogxniquet's blogging campaign xniquet's middle finger technology