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State of mind: Sluggish
Location: Mumbai, India
Minutes after I made my mind to extend my stay here in Mumbai, I realized that if I was going to do that, I really gotta move right outta here as quick as possible before I turned into human vegetable. You see, staying here in this hotel has left me allergic to movements. All I do all day is fucking lay on my back in my sweet bed. Besides bathing, crapping & taking a leak of which I bearly do these days, I can do everything else with just a touch of my fingers on the touch screen panel right beside my bed. It's like a whole command centre here. The lighting, temperature, TV and everything else can be done from here. Blogging? I am sitting on my ass in bed blogging about this on my notebook; Twitting, Facebooking and MSN-ing, I got a PDA, I can lie down on my back while doing it. What about food you say; well allow me to retort; you see I just need to send a request for what I wanna eat and when the food arrives, with just a push of a button, the door is opened. Bell boy pushes the food cart into my room and the only movement I need to do is sit up, reach for the food, chew and let the food slide in, while I flip through multiple TV shows on the huge ass plasma TV.
So you see you can't blame me for being such a sluggish sloth because it is the comfort around me that allow me to be who I am becoming now. But seriously I really got to take an exit before anymore damage can be done to me. So that is why I have decided to rent a cozy furnished apartment around town. I guess there will not be any more room service or house cleaning but this would mean that I will be back on track in trying to experience the lifestyle of the average Muthu here in India.
So with all my strength and might, I got off my bed and with a triumphant victory I stepped outta my room in search for a lessen living condition for a better me. But my search for an apartment has been short lived when I passed this little sitar shop. I was taken by the window display and I had to go in. I was enchanted and mesmerized by the sound of this instrument as I heard an rather aged lady playing it like it was an extended limp. She was old but she was the type of lady who aged with graced. Without much thought, I blindly bought it. All I could think of was how cool I would look with a sitar in my hands and I was on my way of becoming a Sitar Hero. With an ass whooping bill of RS36,000, I purchased not one but two sitars. One being the real deal ?a double gourd sitar and the other was just a small sitar for kids which I wanna decorate my room back at home.
So there was I, holding two sitars outside the little store. Great, now how am I going to walk around town looking for an apartment with such a load? So I decided to call off the search for today and head back to my current crib for some pie and puddings.
The next day, my search for an apartment had to be put on hold because I realized that I had a more pressing matter at hand. So I headed out with my sitars and was back at the shop to get them tuned because it didn't come with an operational manual. Since I was there, I might as well ask for the name and addresses of Gurus who are giving sitar lessons.
The sacrifices I am willing to make for the sake of learning the sitar are somewhat legendary you might say. So I guess I will be ordering some Pizza, Nachos and a tall glass of root beer from my bed tonight. Sigh...
xniquet's journey across India