AA’s wife and kid were back from UK but AA had to work and couldn’t get back. AA’s wife had to run some errands today and she couldn’t find anyone to babysit for her. So I volunteer. Besides I love kids (who are not noisy, who are not smelly, and who don’t whine and cry). The kid’s mum had her second thought on leaving her precious with me but she had no choice because everyone is either not free or working. Lucky me, just how hard can it be to look after a 2 year old?
For starter, my new buddy and I watched some educational show…
He got bored so I switched to some entertainment shows instead…
I woke up too early this morning, so I took out the baby sitter’s best friend out –PS2 console and let the cat take care of the kid while I take a nap.

Babysit 101: give the kid whatever he wants to prevent him from whining and crying.
In this case, Si Ham….
After lunch, the kid got really tired from all cat tail pulling and chasing it around. He got really grouchy but hallelujah his mum came and I was not left dealing with it ..:P I guess AA didn’t know that I was looking after his kid, I could have sworn he said that leaving his kid in my care is a bad idea ever since I emailed him this picture taken during Christmas last year.