To all the cats I rear before
Who came in and out my door
I’m glad you came along
Something Something this song
To all the cats I rear before…..
(sing it to the tune of ”All the Girls I Loved Before” )
Who came in and out my door
I’m glad you came along
Something Something this song
To all the cats I rear before…..
(sing it to the tune of ”All the Girls I Loved Before” )
This is more like a show and tell post, so if you are not into cats, this post would be really lame…
Meet Warg, with her spike collar I got her….

Meet eyes closed Neo

Eyes closed Trinity

…and eyes closed Morpheus

And now …Neo


And Morpheus
Parents thought that having four cats in the house is a little too much, even though I have taught they the art of peeing and shitting in flower pots. But imagine your pot of plant taking the abuse of 4 cats daily….someone has to go. We found a owner sweet enough to take care of them, but she was so greedy, she wanted all of them. But I asked that Neo to be spared. Since Trinity and Morpheus have left, I rename Neo to Tom. Tom was a slow starter.

He loves Stars Wars.

And chatting online.

Smiles when he sleeps…
And plays a lot of PS 2
It fun to have 2 cats in the house but sometimes they fight …
But they are quick to forget and make up.
Lastly meet Monkey, another stray who walk in my house not knowing my dog was around…

Here's a horror flick starring Monkey:

xniquet's vlog fifteen: the horror flick