It is a fucking hot Sunday and when the weather gets hot, nothing hits the spot than a glass of Iced Tea, better yet Iced Ginger Lime Mint Tea. This is how you make a fucking great Iced Tea.
Recipe for a Fucking Great Iced Ginger Lime Mint Tea
The Fucking Ingredient:
A pot of fucking Tea of your choice (breakfast tea or Earl Grey)
Ginger Ale (can)
Fresh Mint
The Fucking Method:
Some ass-licking prep work gotta be done way before you can serve your fucking Iced tea; make some flavored ice cubes using tea and ginger ale. You can fucking ignore this step but if you don’t want to fucking delude your iced tea while you are slowing sucking it, this would be a fucking great way to avoid it.
Fucking pour a quarter glass of ginger ale into a fucking tall glass and then squeeze the juice outta some fucking lime into it. Add in some ass spanking fresh mint leaves and fucking squash it to bring out the minty taste. Next take out the fucking flavored ice cubes (Ginger ale and Tea) that you have fucking made and put them into the fucking glass. Add the fucking tea and garnish that shit with some mint leave.
This Sunday was marked as the 14th day of the 7th Lunar Month which is the Hungry Ghost month and it was also the time where all Ghost activities are at its peak (so I heard). In the evening everywhere around, you can see worshipper, squatting (Bang Sai style) at the roadside, burning joss stick & incest and offering food to the hungry ghosts. Anyway, that is not the point; they said that a dog can see apparition and spirits and when they do, they will howl. It just so happened on the night of the Hungry Ghost Festival, while I was resting on my bed my neighbors’ dogs behind my house was howling for the first time. It was sort of like a lament type of howl. The first thing that came to my mind was not ghost but maybe a thief or something else. As I look through the window, I could see nothing. My dog Woa Woa looked out the window, she too started howling. I think I read from somewhere that the shutter can capture the image of apparition and ghost, so I went out and took my camera with me, hoping that I can get a few snap shot of ghost, so that I can proudly display it on my blog the next day.

Well, it turned out that there was something out there last night but it wasn’t a ghost or a spirit. It was a little fellow who got lost. It was my neighbor’s new puppy who I think accidentally got out from its compound and was wondering around the road behind my house. I just couldn’t bring myself to let this little bugger wander alone at night. Who knows he might get mugged by a pack of bandit cats or rogue rats. So after feeding it and playing with it for a while, I placed the little one back into his compound to join the rest of his doggie mates.
My neighbor keeps 5 dogs in his compound, you might think that it is a lot, but let me tell you what this guy does. His place is actually a safe haven for abandoned and unwanted dogs. He actually take care of those dogs that are abandoned by their previous owners, owners that had to moved away or poor dogs which the owner wanted to disown them because they have skin problems. He has such a soft spot for these dogs, he not only feed and baths them, he plays with them every day. The thing that he does is very admirable, instead of leaving these unwanted dogs out in the cold, he took them in, feed them and give them a place to call their own. Way to go man, I salute you. I’ll leave you with some picture of these doggies.

The little bugger who caused the commotion.

Too much flash!
Other doggies in the compound, the black one is the only female, left here after its owner migrated elsewhere. The other one is call “Guai Lo”, he is the first day to be in the compound.
Cute little bugger who is constantly bullied by the other dogs, maybe because of his size. On its right, the noisiest of the bunch, likes to take a shit in a flower pot. You should see him in action, it is hilarious.

Nope this isn’t another dog but the cute one above, after undergoing intensive hair treatment, he was left bald. Poor little doggie has skin problem :(