First and foremost, A very HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Shanecoast who celebrated her “18th” (Ahem!!!) birthday. May all your wishes come true…
I have the right to be fat, flabby and weak, but what the fuck would I want to? Every workout I miss and every meal I don’t, my muscle will get smaller, my posture sadden and my life shorter. Home is a place where you spent hours on the couch watching TV and snacking away, a home gym can stop all that. Instead of being a couch potato, you can hit your own gym instead of hitting others and hence your excuses of lazy to pack up your gym gear, it’s going to rain, gotta save and no extra money to join a gym or too lazy to step out of the house doesn’t apply anymore.
You might be thinking that I need to spend a fortune to buy all those equipment to get a home gym going, but really the most basic thing you need is just a set of dumbbells and a workout bench that is all. You can do miracles with just these or maybe a Swiss ball. Anyway, I have been complaining to myself on how dusty my home gym was and I definitely wanted to do something about it. So I spent two days dusting the place up and hooking up the long neglected sound system so that I don’t have to use my iPod and sweat all over it (I have to work out with music, it is a definite must). The result was a dust free gym environment. I have a pretty basic gym, just a workbench which inclines and declines, barbell, a couple of dumbbells, exercise map and a walker for warming up and down. At long as it gets the work done, I have no complains here.

My very own gym which I keep all my biking jersey, helmet and shoes which until recently it became my dog - Woa Woa’s playroom too.

My long neglected sound system –Nakamichi’s satellite speakers; meet my Personal Trainer, I bought her for RM6 and I uploaded her to my Pocket PC.

She gives me specific workout for my targeted area

She records my workout sessions

…and allow me to keep a health and workout journal

My gym instructor and nutritionist: Workout for Dummies, The Home Workout Bible, 101 Nutrition Secrets for Men and The Abs Diet (Air Bag System Diet... wukakakakka). From time to time you can purchase a copy of Men’s Health for only RM10 per issue; it has got loads of workout tips and healthy recipe.

My Diet & Exercise Assistant Desktop; what it does is it help you keep track of how much calories you intake and burn during the day and then compare it with your target to see if you have achieve your goal. It comes with a good database of how much calories are there in what sort of food. [ Click image to enlarged it ]
On another note, Matchbox Twenty is back with their fourth studio album “Exile from Mainstream” which is a greatest hits album and containing 12 hits and 6 new releases. The 2 disc album will be released October this year. Currently, their first single “How Far We’ve Come” is getting air play on our local radio. I think it is a pretty upbeat and catchy tune which has Matchbox signature style all over it and working out to it is great. So if you got the time, go get it and slip into your workout playlist and you will have fun seeing “how far you’ve come” :P. If you haven’t heard it, you can check out My Featured Media Section to listen and watch the music video. It will be playing this whole week.
By Matchbox Twenty
(Hello, hello, hello)
I’m waking up at the start of the end of the world
But it's feeling just like every other morning before
Now I wonder what my life is going to mean if it's gone
The cars are moving like a half a mile an hour and I
Started staring at the passengers waving goodbye
Can you tell me what was ever really special about me all this time?
But I believe the world is burning to the ground
Oh well, I guess we're gonna find out
Let's see how far we've come
Let's see how far we've come
Well I believe it all is coming to an end
Oh well, I guess we're gonna pretend
Let's see how far we've come
Let's see how far we've come
I think its turning to a crock but I don't really know
And I can't remember caring for an hour or so
Started crying and I couldn't stop myself
I started running but there's nowhere to run to
I sat down on the street, took a look at myself
Said where you going man, you know the world is headed for hell?
Say your goodbyes if you've got someone you can say goodbye to
I believe the world is burning to the ground
Oh well, I guess we're gonna find out
Let's see how far we've come (right now)
Let's see how far we've come
Well I, believe it all is coming to an end
Oh well, I guess we're gonna pretend
Let's see how far we've come (oh yeah)
Let's see how far we've come
It's gone, gone, baby it's all gone
There's no one on the corner and there's no one at home
Well it was cool, cool, it was just all cool
Now it's over for me, and it's over for you
It's gone, gone, baby its all gone
There's no one on the corner and there's no one at home
Well it was cool, cool, it was just all cool
Now it's over for me and it's over for you
I believe the world is burning to the ground
Oh well I guess we're gonna find out
Let's see how far we've come (oh yeah)
Let's see how far we've come
Well I, believe it all is coming to an end
Oh well, I guess we're gonna pretend
Let's see how far we've come (oh yeah)
Let's see how far we've come