First it was Ringo who got a Maltese (Cheddie) then my neighbor uncle who brought in a stray pup, then recently a friend Felicia bought her first Shih Tzu (Cocoa) then Evie with a Miniature Schnauzer (Wei Wei).Anyone else got a doggie recently? Me and my dog Woa Woa are jumping for joy, not only we will get to see more pictures of the cute doggies, Woa Woa is going to have some new Pup Pals, so dog owners remember to get your doggie a Dogster account ya? Woa Woa added Wei Wei in dogster already and left her extra bones. :D

Since it is doggie season, here are some doggie treats that I usually baked for Woa Woa. They are pretty easy to make. Make some for your doggies, they are going to adore them.

Direction on making doggie treats:
Get all the ingredient (see below) ready and mix them in a bowl until they become dough. Knead it and then shape them into the shape you desired, usually a bone. You can also carve your doggie’s name on the treat before putting them in the oven which is usually 200 degrees for 30 minutes.
Ingredient for:
Tuna Tasties Treat – Canned Tuna, baking powder, whole meal flour, oath and chicken broth.
Oath meal Cheese Treat – Oath meal, broth, granted cheese, margarine, powder milk, whole meal flour.
Super Chucky Peanut Butter Treats- Chucky Natural Peanut butter, non fat milk, whole wheat flour.
Cheesy Dog Treats – Milk, margarine, cheddar cheese, whole wheat flour and egg
Bacon Dog Treat – Whole wheat flour, eggs, onion, bacon and vegetable oil
Basic Dog Treat – Whole wheat flour, broth, peanut butter, vegetable oil
Microwave Dog Treat – Whole wheat flour, powdered milk, quick cook oath meal, eggs.
Fishy Treat – Smoked Salmon bits, whole wheat flour, vegetable oil, eggs
Veggie Treat – Milk powder, Vegetable broth, shredded carrot, whole wheat flour, brown sugar and eggs.
Happy trying and sorry no measurement because usually I “agak-agak” (guess) only. Don’t worry it is safe and approve by Woa Woa and the doggies behind my house :P

Tasted and approve by the dog pound :P
And oh, to bloggers who have dogs, please do post and share some pictures of them. I would really love to see them. I mean who doesn’t like dogs. :P

Woa Woa