The Sigil of Baphomet has its origins in accusation of demonic worship by the medieval Knights Templar. It is also the official insignia for the church of Satan chosen by Anton Szander LaVey. Satanists who follow the philosophies of LaVey often adorn themselves with the sigil. The Hebrew letters at each point of the pentagram reads (translated) “LVYTN” Starting from the lowest point and going clock wise which means Leviathan, a sea creature figuring in Judiac mythology. Sometimes Leviathan is also referring to the creature of the sea which swallowed Jonah (this can be found in the Bible). Leviathan is commonly associated with Satan. The Fourth book of the Satanic Bible is named the book of Leviathan. The above variant of the Sigil of Baphomet is also known as Hell’s Kitchen Baphomet. This variant is copyrighted by the church of Satan and cannot legally be reproduced without permission.

As I was surfing the net and doing my reading on eccentric stuff, I came across the Sigil of Baphomet gallery on the Church of Satan’s Webpage and they were encouraging people to submit creative rendition of the Baphomet. So I decided to give it a try. Below are some variant of the Baphomet submitted in and displayed in their gallery.

-Baphomet of Abomination

-Baphomet of Saw Blade

-Baphomet of Hellfire

-Baphoment of Rage
Having seen their rendition and dull dull colors, I decided that the church of Satan needed a more upbeat and colorful approach and so I came up with this:

Just turn it upside down and you will have the Baphomet of Patrick Star
So I attached the Image to an email and sent it to the church of Satan.
I don’t know how the church is going to response to this, but if they happened to get piss and sent someone to finish me off and If you don’t see me around updating my blog or visiting your blog, please use the comment to eulogize :P