Even when you are not updating your blog, traffic seems to flow in and I was curious, so I did a little searching and I found that one of my post top the list of Google's search - How to Slit Your Wrist the Right Way . Subsequently, all Googled powered search will have the same result too. From the stats, an average of 80 per day, does makes me wonder if there are so many people out there who are willing to slit their wrist? So if you are one, I urge you to think twice and go read 17 Reasons Not to Slit Your Wrist by Michael Moore (which has nothing to do with wrist slitting at all) but if you still insist go read xniquet's How to Slit Your Wrist the Right Way.
As you can see, I pretty slacking on updating this blog, that is only because currently I am collecting and updating the xniquet wiki and a number of writers and articles have been added into the xniquet wiki. Some of the bloggers has been wiki-fied. Just head on over that side and check out those new articles that have been added in.