the other day, a friend came over to see how I was doing and he was “surprise” to see that i look like shit. I mean I should be looking like shit considering that I have a broken feet and sepsis. But he told me it was a different kind of shit. Dry and pale skin, cracked lips, massive dark rings under my eyes damn but all I am only all worried about now is the massive pores on my face ...sigh!!! All the facial courses and products I paid for are all gone . Anyway, he told me that I could be under some spell because he could feel some sort of unease presence around me, WTF!!! But besides feeling sick and bored at home, I think I am pretty much alright. But he gave me a list of symptoms that you might be under some kind of black magic, I thought to myself if I am already deep into this spell thing will I be able to realized the symptom myself? So just in case, here is the list of symptom when a person is being attacked under black magic. I mean it is so common here, that some people are using black magic to help their business and love life. Rumors has it a transvestite hair salon is so good because the owner uses black magic to trap their customer. Anyway, it is better to be safe than sorry, so here are some symptom that you are being attacked by black magic, you might wanna remember to consult your family witch doctor
Initial stages of possible Black Magic or Spirit Activity
Your sleep is disturbed [checked]
Fatigue and lack of energy to live day-to-day life [checked]
You have Fear [checked] fear of boredom , who doesn’t ?
Disinterest in life [checked]
You are irritated for no reason [checked] try not going out for 3 weeks
You get angry for no reason [checked] should when you are in pain
Severe Depression [checked]
Dryness of mouth at night [checked]
Obesity in some cases Sudden Chills and Goose Bumps [checked]
at night Tightness around body parts
You start forgetting things in the spur of the moment and experience memory loss [checked] lots of ‘em lately
Your access to the dream world is blocked: No remembrance of dreams when you wake up
Your professional career suffers
Blockages in the inflow of money
Advance Stages of Black Magic/Spirit Activity
You dream of dead bodies and horrible looking people who want to kill you in your dream
You dream of snakes & dirty places [checked] hell yes
Waking up suddenly in fear with shortness of breath [checked] it has been always like that Dreaming of falling from Heights
Dreaming of Snakes, Scorpions & Spiders [checked] fucking snakes
You see black dots or smoke flying all over The stomach bloats like a pregnant women's belly and the area right above the navel tightens up & when touched feels like a golf ball is in there Tightness and heaviness specially in shoulders and chest [checked] sometimes
Extreme hunger in case entities have taken charge of your body
Constant headache
Your complexion darkens Itching, burning and stinging pains in different parts of the body [checked]
In case serious black magic is being done to kill you, You will notice that Crows will cross your path from left to right while travelling or they would crossover from left to right, flying right above you, at times they would have a piece of flesh or some other solid matter in their beaks.
Final Stages of Spirit Possession/Black Magic with very little recovery time left
Cancer of blood or other body parts
Shrinking and malfunctioning of kidneys
Excessive alcohol consumption resulting in liver damage
Substance Abuse
Heart Attacks resulting in sudden death Medicines do not work baffling the medical practioner: resulting in doctors using stronger treatments
Suicidal attempts or thoughts of self destruction [checked]
No brainer
When you keep going back to the same hair salon even filled with transvestite s even when you don’t need a haircut and also the transvestite s there is as big as you and looks like that can single handedly held you down against your will type.
I reckon all the witch doctors who graduated from witch school will go out of business pretty soon because the world itself is good enough to kill you. Why employ a witch doctor to do what the world offers for free. Anyway, I got no time for black magic or any voodoo shit like that; I gotta recover quickly because I just can’t wait to be back on the board and saddle again. There is just no time in my life for another breakdown.

Been listening to Marilyn Manson’s Eat Me , Drink Me a lot last few days, why because not only this album is inspired by the German Cannibal Armin Meiwes. The title itself is states that this CD is inspired by Lewis Carroll’s Alice in Wonderland. I am almost finished with it and moving on to the sequel which is Alice through the looking glass. Will let you all in the secrets of Alice later,

The answer for the rabbit is here.

do you sometimes think you are slightly mad?