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here are 6 likely situation which she might be going stray on you:
She's turning 25 . . . or 30 . . . or 35 . . .
Decade and half-decade birthdays trigger navel-gazing-figuratively, and perhaps literally. A woman asks herself, "What have I been doing for the past 5 years?" She'll think deeply about her love life and its direction, and if it's not going the way she planned, she might jump at the chance to correct it with an affair. The incidence of birthday cheating triples in women who report being in unhappy relationships.
When she got a promotion
Women like to have projects and goals. When she reaches a milestone-say, in her career -- she may start to think, Now what? For her next challenge, she may focus on another big part of her life -- say, her relationship. Riding the high of her work success, she'll feel that goals are achievable, and she'll be motivated to get the rest of her life on track. Also, women with fat salaries are more likely to cheat. A University of Washington study found that people who earned $75,000 or more per year were 1.5 times more likely to have had extramarital sex than those earning less than $30,000.
Revenge affairs are common. Women have them in an attempt to restore self-esteem and feel desirable again. It comes down to human nature, she'll want to get even. She won't necessarily go out looking to hook up, but when she's tempted, the fact that you've done it may weaken her self-control.
Oxytocin, a hormone that plays a central role in our urge to bond, spikes to levels three to five times higher than usual just before orgasm. The hormone is more intense in females than in males, so women develop a stronger sense of bonding through sex.If the two of you are not having as much sex as you used to, she might interpret this as a sign that you don't find her attractive and that you don't love her, she may seek someone outside the relationship to validate that she's still sexually attractive.A so-so sex life could also mean you have unresolved problems between you. Research found that 79 percent of cheating women cited dissatisfaction in the marriage as the cause.
One more reason a woman might cheat: She wants to dump you. Infidelity can break up couples, so she might cheat on purpose as an easy out.
so you know what are the likely situation that she is going to cheat on you, here are some signs that she might be already cheating on you...
She's accusing you
She always sleeps earlier and is always tired
Need i say more?

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