You know I have never really think more or think less of the Sultan but after his call on the political situation in Perak State. It is so obvious that he has had one too many royal shortcake in his palace that his senile mind just couldn’t tell the fucking difference between right or wrong. It is so obvious that BN is abusing the Sultan’s rights to steal one away from PKR because they knew that the Sultan can get away by hiding behind the legislation and religious law that has been laid down. Hey look, I am the fucking Sultan, I can do whatever fuck I like, so screw you, you are just a piece of disposable trash subject. Having minister and religious leaders saying that the people must fucking respect the decision of the Sultan over and over again because the law states that the Sultan has the right and the Islamic law ask their believers never to question their leader’s right. There is nothing more pathetic than a monarch who hides behind his religion. Why can’t he just admit that he has just helped BN screw the other party? I mean I would have had more respect for him if he does that.
Yes, the people is angry (Yes, you are. People, you are fucking angry. Pissed off and are about to blow is what you are. So now go and sharpen your pitch fork and light up your fucking torches). No longer will they bend over get fucked by the oppressors. I smell a fucking riot in the brewing. Fuck that idiot Syed Hamid Albar if he thinks that the people will listen to him and take the matter to this country’s corrupted court system. In the words of the ever famous Oliver Newton John, ” Let’s Get Physical”. There is no need to use your mouths but a fucking fist is what you should be showing.
I was deeply disappointed that there wasn’t a riot upon returning home from US last year when the 916 thing didn’t fucking happened. I hope this time a big one will happened for real because I have already gotten my riot score card printed out.

And so you think I give a rat's ass on what the fuck is happening there in the state of Perak? For fucking Christ sake, I don't even live there. If you wanna know the truth? I just love watching governments collapse and now there is a chance to see the Sultan of Perak and the newly form state government get pitch forked and torched by the angry mob. This is too good to be true. Yayy!
Frankly, I am just a simple man, I don't ask for riches or power; all I want is just a little hell on earth, so let's get this riot act on the go.