Fat is practically a hot issue these days, everyone is trying to lose weight and stay thin, but you are forgetting about those who are trying to be fat. There are so many advices on how to lose weight, but I don’t see much on gaining weight. So, here a suggestion on how to gain fat.
It is pretty simple and cheap, what you need is:
1) Alarm Clock; and
1) Alarm Clock; and
2) Cheese Burger…
Here are some songs to help you keep with the program…
Dave Navarro/Hungry
Duran Duran/Hungry like the Wolf
Tenacious D/Master Exploder
Steve Vai/Aching Hunger
X’s Fat Journal:
12:15am Placed a greasy cheese burger (RM2.40- Bought from local Malay Burger stall- dirt cheap) besides the bed & set alarm before going to sleep...
4:05am Wake up and go to toilet…
4:05am Wake up and go to toilet…
I guess there are plenty more ways than having a habit of waking up at 3am to eat a cheese burger. I got this booklet from Mickey D’s the other day and it shows how much Calories our body needs per day (information provided by Ministry of Health). Just eat more than what your body required and you are on track on becoming a fatso in no time…. :)

i am fat