Since it is April fool's day, no there isn't going to be any pranks, no pulling of legs and shit like that. i am the non conformist and this is where all conformities decay, what others do i don't. Why should i pull a prank only on this day when i can have 364 days to my enjoyment? So i am just gong to be plain and straight up honest today, and if you see me today and you ask me anything? i will tell you anything what you would like to know, without ever thinking about the consequence. This is the one day opportunity for y'all. So if you happen to miss today? Better luck trying next year. So today's post, i will be as honest as possible not to you all, but to myself. Well, read on and i might reveal the question that most of you people asked me about? Who is it that i dig. If you have been following this blog, you might know that i am pretty accident prone. One fall after another, just after being back from Japan in February, I have already scored two falls within two months. The first one was just right after i return, nearly got my ass skinned raw from a fall from a downhill ride and now broken foot and sepsis from a surfing stunt at night. Sue (band mate) came by to see how I was coping and gave me a magazine and asked me to do a quiz and my score: I was reckless daredevil when it comes to sports. Well, it did say that it is posses some good qualities though for safer games, because the persons takes chances and to win in a game you need to take chances but it was pretty bad if you are doing extreme sports. So that pretty much explain why my body now is like a map of pain or should I say scars which I am not very proud of because it may look cool but having to go through the pain and recovery is sorta hell. eb said that I should get myself some “ mandian bunga” (flower bath) to get rid of all the unlucky vibe. But it has nothing to do with luck, because all these are all my doings. i could have hang on to the brakes while diving down the slope and I could have picked a better time to surf, instead of jumping in the water in the blind of the night. Those rocks could have easily crack my head open like a watermelon. You asked me why? Is it for the thrill of it? Yeah, maybe because the fear of it moves me, the thrill just coarse through my veins. For the glory of it? I won’t say no, because there is no glory stranded in bed just like a rat in a cage. I never had any broken bones before and I tell you straight it god damn hurts and it sucks. Fever hits me every evening as my feet echoes the pain at night which keeps me awake till dawn. Every time I popped in some pain killers, it makes me drowsy and it gives me dreams and I keep getting the same dream over and over again. Well, to be honest it wasn’t nightmare but it was about someone whom I never had met but I knew her online. So much dreams that it made me miss her like crazy when I wake up. I don’t know if it is the pill that is doing the thing or it is the high fever that i am getting but it sure hell worked its way like a love potion to me. i am going to met her soon that is for sure but somehow, I just can’t wait. Even my head is messed up big time from all these dreams.
Anyway, here is a little side track but not too far from what I am talking about, but as a matter of fact, it might be applicable to us if anything were to happen along the way. It is a short article on how to maintain a long distance relationship. You see the secret in keeping s long distance relationship is:
