I have never been much of a Avril Lavigne fan but the shit that is coming out from the people who banned her concert is far too great, I can smell it even in California. This is by far the dumbest thing that PAS could ever have done. They are just so full of shit, can someone put a cork up theirs before we all get drowned in their shit. And to think that the people who bought the tickets and couldn't go for Avril's concert are the pitiful victims? Well, I have news for you, this goes way further than just teenagers crying because their idol isn't coming. The victims are actually the Malaysians who are currently outside their country and they at being laughed at. To foreigners Malaysia is a fucking joke. "Fuck you, the country you come from is run by a bunch of mindless monkeys and why should I even think any better of you?" I tell this is the time where there is no fucking pride in being a Malaysian, it gets worst when you're in the music industry and you are trying to make it in a foreign country. Nice going dipshit.
for those who doesn't know what those fuckers did click here...
for those who doesn't know what those fuckers did click here...