playing on my iPod:
Electrical Storm -U2

Since I am still in this micro town they call Sungai Jerit" translated as "Screaming River". What the heck, why don't I come into this shit hole (cyber cafe) again and blog something. I know old habits or should I say addiction dies hard but God knows I am trying to break free from its chain. Alongside with substance, alcohol, porn and necrophilia, I think blogging is one of the dangerous addictions. Anyway, found a place to lay my head for the night ? "Rumah Tumpangan Yahya" is a place just above the shit hole, that explains why I am still here for a mere RM20.00 buckaroo, you can't expect much for that price but the only thing I did not anticipated is how fucking gross the crapping throne is. The fuckers who previously used this throne have got to get some serious aiming lesson, there is shit everywhere. It just makes you appreciate things that you leave behind at home, doesn't it? But this is the price you gotta pay when you are on the road. I wanted to call her but something just held me back. Well, next stop - down south?