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It was the boy's night out and there is nothing I could ever ask for but a great dinner at my favorite grill house - The Pit. We just got back from our downhill biking road trip and being through days of mud, rain, bruises and shitty food and on top of that, I was sick for a day due to extreme dehydration. So I was really looking forward for a great night out with the boys. A nice bottle of Chardonnay, a rare n bloody burgundy steak and the company of two biking buddies; how could anything go wrong?
But right between the escargot appetizer n lobster soup, I have to bloody catch a glimpse of her. I knew that eventually I would bump into her but just not like this. I have never thought that I'll see my ex fiance with another man (not so soon) and she looked so beautiful that night that it almost hurts. Cocksucking motherfucking shit, all hell has got to break loose on the night where I just wanna relax and enjoy myself.
My bloody night was ruined, my steak has no taste and the wine doesn't seem to have any alcohol in them anymore. My buddies talked to me but I just couldn't pay attention to what they are saying All I could think of is what the fuck are they having on the other table? I mean for Christ fucking sake, does he knows that she drinks her water chilled and not iced because of her sensitive gum? Does he know that she will get a migraine if she sits directly under the lamp? Does he even know how to treat a lady? With his totally innocent cum gay short hair and a fucking t-shirt saying "Kuantan Blood Drive", I bet he is some kind of psycho killer out for blood of the innocent. I am fucking choking here; it must be my oversize collar-less t-shirt that i was wearing. I had to get outta there.
I caught a chill there that night and now I am frozen stiff to my fucking spine. I don't know why I am suddenly not over her? I mean I should; she seems to be very over me. Now look at me, my damn perception must be down again because I am messed up deeper than I thought I would be. I guess I have not healed with time. I need something to wash this feeling, this thought, this plague of her away. No, the blood of fucking Christ can't get it done but a good old bottle of Tennessee whiskey may. Maybe two bottles, if I am still standing after I finished my first. I know I shouldn't be drinking when my doctor just told me not to, but with nights like this, it is completely alright to fucking drink your life away. Then maybe the ghost of her can stop haunting me and let my fucking heart rest in pieces.
[after 3 minutes]
Update 2#: NO... I am sorry; I didn't mean to say that, I just want the best for her.
[after 2 minutes]
Update 3#: You know what, I hope they fucking choke on the fucking meringue that they had for dessert for fucking ruining my dinner!
[after 30 seconds]
Update 4#: Hey Lisa, the next time you see me in that grill house, it will be with two sexy hot chics and not with 2 guys like I am some fucking homo.