This is what you get when you have a naughty Japanese girl waiting for you to finish up your work. [Click on the above picture to large and look at all the icons there] I tell you, I used to have a very respectable desktop with only one recycle bin icon. But after Norie is thru with it, I have like shitload of homemade porn clip sitting on my desk top. How did it get there? Well, I was reading Waifon’s blog and I happen to stumble across this Sabul’s Blog and he had this post called “Anugerah Juara Sabul” which featured 60 over homemade porn flick. So to keep Norie occupied while I work, I showed her the link and ask her to knock herself out. When I return to her shortly, I could hear her laughing non-stop and my desktop has turned into a porn infested nest, Out of the 60 over porn clips from that site I have 56 clips sitting on my desktop, meaning that naughty girl have been watching almost all of them. She told me it was hilarious and she showed me the good ones, so I return I shall review the clips for you all:
Title: Awek Pakai Baju (Girl Wearing Dress)
Synopsis: a guy making video of her girlfriend getting dress, after she puts on her panties, her boyfriend ask her to take it off again because he forgot to zoom in her vagina. After that she proceed on to wear her clothes and “Tudung” veil . Famous quote from the clip” Jahatnya, Peragawati ni”.
Title: Tangga (Stairs)
Synopsis: I think the video maker is some sort of a peeping tom, making a video of a couple making out at a stairs. The killer part of this clip is at the end when the couple finally look up and found themselve looking straight at the camera man ..wukakakakkaka…”couple sudah femes”(Couple becoming famous)
Title: Tandas (toilet)
Synopsis: A couple making porn flick in the toilet, but with a horrid ending. The guy points his dick at the camera and wipe it with a some toilet paper. Wat –da-fuck!!!
Title: Tandas Lagi (toilet again)
Synopsis: typical porn in the public toilet, guy sits on toilet bowl and girls sits on guy’s dick, end of story.
Title: BJ ofis bertudung (BJ in office with veil)
Synopsis: a girl with “tudung” waiting for her bf to zoom in her face and when it was done she was given the signal to suck it.
Title: Kelam Kabut (Chaos)
Synopsis: Half way fucking, girl had to pick up an important call from come one important I guess. But the guy didn’t stop fucking.
Title: Awek Puting Besar (girl with big nipples)
Synopsis: Seeing is believing, god dammit.!!! Almost 1/3 of the surface taken by it.
Title: Hotel
Synopsis: seeing that all the people in the clips were Malay, I was surprise to find a Cantonese speaking Chinese clip. It starts with the hero smoking a cigarette, but the heroin could wait anymore, so the hero quickly puts out the ciggy and started fucking the girl, but I think he didn’t put out the cigarette properly because smoke was coming out from below the camera and it look as if the hero was fucking the heroin until smoke came out. I must say this is the best homemade clip ever; got smoke effect some more XD.
Well, I think I better stop reviewing the clips before I really get label as a degenerate, if you are interested drop that Sabul guy’s site. So, you see I did watch porn with Norie, but things didn’t get all steamy because if it did, both of us would have been humping on the photocopy machine, the pantry, under the desk or on the server like wilder beasts. But the porn left us with aching stomach because we laugh too hard. But it was all good and educative for Norie because she got to see how a girl who wears “Tudung” look like. God I do hope she doesn’t think that all the porn in our region is a fucking joke.
Beside, being able to watch comical porn while we were in the office, Norie and I decided to make our own ringtone, so that it can be our caller ID. So we used all the equipment and instrument in the studio and came up with this. Man I love being in the studio. The cutest thing about Norie is when she gets excited, she will momentary forget that I am not Japanese and belt out a thousand super fast Japanese words that makes me blur and that was what happened here.