Being crippled, sick and all, sure does have its benefits, like being frequently visit by friends and sometimes from people whom you seldom see or have nothing to do with, just like my dad’s church’s pastor who waltz into my room to see how i have been keeping. Lucky for me I wasn’t reading any of my books from my heretic book collection and he did not check out my DVD collection which was mostly rated R for blood, gore and nudity but not porn, I only have one Porn DVD about horny French nuns who owns huge ass dildo and are living in a monastery which I bought because it was a multi-angle DVD of which I really wanted to know how it works (the multi- angle DVD and not the Dildo) and wait I think I have another porn DVD which I have never seen because it was given to me by the porn star who acted in the flick herself. [It is another story but if you wanna read about it click here] That is not the point, what I wanted to say is that when my dad’s pastor asked me how was I, I answered very frankly besides enduring the blustered pain , I was bored out of my mind. He didn’t try to quote my any bible verse or passage or even try talking me into going to church, but gave me a rather simple answer of course with reference to God, I guess that is what a man of God does and I wouldn’t blame him. He told me that when God created us human, he gave us a creative mind and the ability to adapt to all sort of the circumstances. So he asked me to adapt and make full use of what I am able to do for now, leave the rest of the “to do list” later when I am fully recovered. Being immobile doesn’t hinder people from doing great “other” things. I felt like god was speaking through this man. After so long, I finally felt that there just might be a holy and divine up there somewhere and He wants me to besides lying on my sick ass and ranting about how fucking bored I am, but to moist up my brain pussy to get some juice going and do something for a change. The first thing I did was Google Cherry Soft Key Generator and on my first hit I finally found it. After months of trying to get the serial key for my pirated copy of Cherry Soft’s Strip Black Jack video edition. Why? Because the CD that I brought did not give me the right serial key is that’s why but now hell yeah, no I mean Hallelujah, I can watch hot babes stripe right from my pocket pc and this sort of got my into the whole "I am playing non-stop games on my pocket pc thing" and in the comfort on my bed laying down or while taking a dump in toilet and I am cured of my boredom, isn’t it a miracle? Do I get a fucking Amen for that? And with that I think I should leave y'all with a bible verse which was burnt into my head when I was young during a baptism class. It is taken from 1 Corinthian 10:13 (but it has been modified a bit to reflect my current situation), it goes a little something like this…