while the guys were banging the girls like drums...

While the other guys were banging their midnight suppers consisting of Thai Ladies like Taiko Drums in the other rooms. I was left here alone because I stand firm on my notion that I will not pay for a fuck. Just like the fucking birds and the fucking bees, sex should remain free and not turned into some kind of transaction. Anyway, call me old fashion if you want to, but I ain’t paying shit for sex. But before you go off and call me a cheapskate, let me tell you that there are things that I am more than willing to pay for, and this thing has got many names, for instance blow, C, crack, flake, freebase, rock, snow, C17H21NO4, , coke or better known as Cocaine. It all got started when I was talking to this guy from another band call 7th Fleet Band which was playing alongside us that night. Since they were around Bangkok real often, I just wanted to know; besides sex and more sex what sinful pleasure are there in Bangkok. The vocalist John told me that for a fee you can get the badest motherfucking substance ever known to men –Cocaine. It is a secret that no one wants to talk about, but coke is everywhere and it has been booming this last 10 years. The general rule of getting Coke, places that is filled with fucking foreign tourist, there is bound to be Coke on the sale. Of course you can also get cheap ecstasy or Yaa Baa (amphetamine) , but Coke is the real deal. And true to John’s word, I score my first stash of coke right from restaurant just across the places that I was staying. John was the normal recreational users and he has given me some points on how to use my stash of coke. I can either snort it, rush it (inject) or smoke it. By snorting it, the effect will kick in only after a few minutes while the effect will last to 1- 1.5 hours, while by injecting it, the effect will come in much sooner but the effect will only last 20 to 60 minutes. By smoking it, you will get high almost instantaneously but the effect will only last up to 5 to 10 minutes.( I don’t think I can do this because I don’t smoke). Since I have all the time in the world and I have no midnight supper tonight, and being a Chinese cum a certified accountant, it is only sane to choose the way of taking the coke that has a longer lasting effect, come on these fuckers ain’t cheap, there are selling it about 2,500 bath by the grams ( You do the math). Actually all of us had agree to give it a go at this and clear it out of our system before we leave, but those horny bustards seems to be like pulling out at the very last minute and all they want to do it stick their dick somewhere dark and moist, chicken shit is what I think they are. Well, since none of them wants a slice of the stash, better for me, fewer men more share. So equipped with my trusted Maybank ATM card and a rolled up 1 Ringgit bill, I am ready to fall in to a new high and snort my first ever cocaine line. So wish me “chok dee” which means good luck in Thai.