With just hours after we reached Kuantan, I got a phone call from Lisa, saying that me and my family are invited to a “little” dinner gathering at her place. And so I thought it was just going to be her family and my family kind of dinner. So I wanted to whip up something for dessert to impress her mum. So with short span of time on my side, I set out to make an apple pie that could be our dessert for that night. I had little time on my hands because since I came back, I have been doing laundry upon laundry. It took 3 loads to finished my entire luggage, then I had to swing by my office to clear off some paperwork before heading to supermarket to get the ingredient for the dessert which I had to rely on my memory on what to get because I didn’t have the recipe with me. But I think it came out pretty alright; don’t let the looks fool you. It actually taste and smell like apple pie and it was an instant hit at the dinner gathering with nothing left. It looks uneven on the top because I didn’t have a brush to spread the egg yolk on top before putting it the oven; instead I used a spoon. The apple pie I made was actually a traditional American Apple pie with Prune, raisins and orange juice in it.
Recipe for this pie is available at the xniquet-wiki – Traditional Apple PieAnd to think that it was just a family gathering really turned out to be somewhat like a clan gathering to me,
Sekampung Bapak Lisa jemput [in Bahasa Melayu which means Lisa’s Dad invited a whole village]. I swear there were about 50 or more people there then again, it wasn’t outsiders, and it was all of Lisa’s family. From her cousins to aunties to uncles to all kind of relatives; it almost felt like Chinese New Year when everyone is around, but this time I don’t know most of them. I guess aborigine does stay very close to their family, that is why they are always looking for an excuse to celebrate, and this one was for me and Lisa, to welcome us back. I guess I could learn something from them, being such a big family and yet there are able to stay close to each other, whereas being the only two in my family, I haven’t even spoken to my sister for almost 3 years now. Anyway, this was more like a taste of what the wedding is going to be, God damn it, I am so not cut for weddings …