Tragic Romance

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It has been a week since that day that left him on fire and longing for more. But everything seems to be at a standstill, he is just feeling the same old, same old nothing new. He just wants to feel something from all of this that will move him and prove to him that he loves her; he wants to have a heart that beats and bleeds, a heart that makes him wanna love, cry and scream and not this heart that is filled with barbwires twisted around it and keeping everything in and out of it. So he tried to say something that comes from within, trying to spark that lovey dovey feeling that seems to be lost. So he sat closer with her on the couch; he looked at her shinny eyes, kissed her cherry lips and said...
 id=Her face went blank and He had explained what he meant and she couldn’t stop laughing and it took away every inch of romance that he wanted to spark and placed it at an all time low.