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" i never really had an opinion on suicide untill now. i recently just fucked up my life and i need to die."
madeline ramona

"Fuck you all." Holly

"Dear xniquet
I'm a 25 year old man from Germany who tried to commit suicide several times. I would like you to give me some hints for cutting my wrist.
At my first try to commit suicide I tried to cut my wrist, but I didn't really know, where the artery is. I thought, if I touch my wrist and feel the pulse, that's where the artery is. Many years later I read, that it's in the middle of the arm. So my first question is: How can I make as sure as possible to not miss the artery?
I learned that it's a burning pain, if you try to kill you this way. So what can I do to minimize the pain?
Which Instrument should I use?
Any additional hints?"

"My real name is D. I don't know how I got here but I guess this journey started when I was young.. Bullying turned into self loathing. After almost 8 attempted Suicide attempts using the drugs valium and oxycotin I got to a point where my body could not take any more. I could no longer supply my attempts so I turned to cutting. It is unknown but certain why and how but this page has gven me a feeling of life and I feel glimpses of happiness on here, I feel pathetic writing this because i doubt anyone who reads it will care. And even if eyes are laid on this text that beholds my dark life I feel that they will be the wrong ones. My existence, to me is uncertain, I don't know weather I'll be alive.. All I want to be is happy. My life beyond this text is an image of a different story.. I just hope you keep my identity hidden, and remember me when gone.. Thank you for I feel like I know you more than o know myself." anonymous

" i never really had an opinion on suicide untill now. i recently just fucked up my life and i need to die."
madeline ramona

"Life has no meaning when you go unnoticed your whole life... I'm ending this misery people find joy in. No one will read this but it will explain to those unaware. I won't miss you nor will you miss me. Farewell hell hole." Stevie

"Fuck you all." Holly

"This website is amazing.thankyou for making it. it really helps me find new ways to harm myself. i hate life and this website is great for me" sadgothgirl

"i love this blog. im on it everyday. :D" Sara

"I WANT TO DIE!! i Cut And Burn Myself but i don't think i could kill myself because of what it would do to my friends and family.... i just want to die but for no one to care..." Dell

Well how do you dare .. It’s just not fair .. So I remain So damn silent See my stain .. It was very violent .. I’m just a shadow .. A part of the past .. A part that could never last .. My trickling blood Is dripping fast .. I hear a thud I just lie and stare .. I cry .. And wonder why .. Why should I be the one to go .." coleen

"i think your honest down to mother fucking earth and you don't sugar coat the truth, i like you!"

EB on King of Fucking the Ladies

wtf am i doing wrong, i feel so stupid" steph on How to Slit Your Wrist the Right Way

nice blog layout...n ur very expressive :D YANz

kinda spooky ur blog theme uhh..haha..serious but i like it.. sixtyoldman o

oh me lord. i really love your blog layout!Faa

"It's stories like this that remind me to appreciate what I have, even when it seems like nothing in life is going right.. it could always be worse. Thank you X, for the awakening. xo" Raivyn on Going Home

"ZOMG IT'S X! :D" Chingy

"r u the 1 who design the holy crap? OMG! u r genius! who on earth could see crap as an art piece, thts y, u r jz 1 of a kind." Anonymous on Icky Art

"You memang pandai buat..I like your posting how to protest peacefully he he he..keep in touch." dog lover on Prollydicks:What to do during election

"Hell yeah. This is such an awesome post, I LOVE IT! Guys, they just do not get it, they really don't. I'm gonna go Digg this and try to get it in front of as many eyeballs as possible." Sheree on How to get into a Hot Girl's Good Book...

"you did a great thing.. thanks for the lesson! but i never got my email." Cynthia Parker on it really works: how to hack Gmail password part 2

"You have a striking blog design! great blog!"technicaldotcom

"Bad bad...bad influence." mlmaestro on how to get laid with unknown women you just met

"love all the post,especially the latest one about demons..im hantu sarong yayy!!"flux

"Did not want to fuck around with guns and stuff, but now see that Carbon Monx is the way to go! Am going to air proof my garage and get out of here within the next few days. Thanks Again" Glenn Seiler on the most painless way to commit suicide

"I have tried with my friend and he can like do it well but this was my first time and stuff. We were on webcam to each other and he was showing me how to do it properly. So I was really scared and stuff but I have finally cut myself for the first time. My scar is pretty cool but I keep on hetting blackouts. By the way I am a girl." Anonymous on How to Slit Your Wrist the Right Way

"why would you promote something like this when you already have evidence that it may have caused negative consequences? i hope you called that person. suicide is not funny. seriously, what are you thinking?" Katharinec on i am a murderer