Fast becoming my favorite track on his new CD, un-Gothlike song, but with traces of U2 and Metallica inside.
30 Seconds to Mars/The Kill
Currently, my favorite EMO song, he is damn right when he sings: “Bury me! Bury me!”
30 Seconds to Mars/From Yesterday
Another song which caught my attention, taken from the CD “A Beautiful Lie”, it is fast becoming one of my most played tracks.
Avril Lavinge/ When You’re Gone
Reminds me of “I’m with You”, nice tune but the lyrics are a little bit too corny for my taste.
Breaking Benjamin/Rain
Nice acoustic that will make you hate rainy days….
Another EMO acoustic song which will definitely make you feel like committing suicide

Do you like rainy days? Some people thinks’ it’s a gift from god that wash away the bloody heat wave and hopefully it will waste away their sins too. To some, raining at the right time is a gift but raining on the wrong time is a curse. My worst nightmare was stuck in a traffic jam for hours. I consider myself lucky to never have been going through hell. Some lived to tell the tale; they left the airport one rainy night around 10is and reached their destination around 4is. Some of you would know which bloody traffic jam I am referring to. Smile and be glad that you were part of history. But in a hick ass town like Kuantan, how much damage can a heavy rain do? Let me see, you would probably have to wash your clothes again because you were too lazy and left it outside when it was raining or you would probably miss your favorite Fried Kuey Tiao stall at the pasar malam because they don’t open when it rains, even if it drizzle, Yeah you got it right, people ion Kuantan are so lazy. Look at me …:P. What’ else? Can’t go sun tan or swimming after work or any sports that you’re into after work. Ah yes, there is life after work here, you still get to see the sun after work here.