" New article WTF We Have in Jesus will be up shortly - xniquet "
Taken from WTF We Have in Jesus :
… I'm not saying that the church is gay but I do think that the church is somewhat a breeding ground for homosexuality. Look at the early church monasteries, how they throw a bunch of guys together and teach them about brotherly love. … Take away the vagina from a man's equation and where he is going to stick his dick? I guess the next best thing around is the anus…





Pictures 041 to 045 by Dani

"Calling all practicing wrist cutter! I am creating a new gallery for those who love to slit their wrist therefore I am collecting pictures of wrist being slit or wounds resulting from wrist slitting. If you could send it those pictures and your name too, I can add it in the gallery, just so the others can see how cool you really are. "

Please send pictures and your name to: 

other sent in pictures:
- Ash Wilson
- You, Me and the Devil Makes 3 more to the Gallery
- Wendy Johnson's Mariner's Compass
- How Deep Does the Cut has to be?
- Deep Cuts
- Just Slit Your Wrist like Cheap Coupons
- We All Bleed
- The Heart-Shaped Cut
- My End
- Hidden Scars
- New Pictures from You's
- how to slit your wrist the right way
- slit your wrists
- the most painless way to commit suicide
- I am a murderer
- Jesus was a suicide
- Warning, Read at your Own Risk