"I would love to apologized for taking this long to post these pictures nevertheless here they are and I have to say that these set of pictures are the best I've seen this far." - xniquet


Picture 046 to 047 by Dani
Picture 046 to 047 by Dani
ALEX Anonymous :
"Was layed off, cheated on, gave away my apt, arrested for 5150 and drunk all in the same exact week. Used a double edged Winchester boot knife. I severed two tendons, muscle, fat and lost so much strength I couldn't slash the right wrist. After bleeding out on the floor for over an hour I woke up dissapointed I was alive. For once I genuinely needed help but nobody answered my call when I needed a ride to the hospital. My life is better now. Better than before I attempted suicide. I must have killed the bad part of me. I'll email more pics"

"Here's one of two severed tendons."
"Here's one of two severed tendons."

"Swollen while in the ER. Notice the difference of how tight the wrist band is."
"Swollen while in the ER. Notice the difference of how tight the wrist band is."

"As you can tell I also tried down the road. Twice. The amount of force it takes is overwhelming and not as easy. Anyway it's been a journey. Side affects are numbness and loss of strength. I was lucky that particular DR was in the ER that day. Otherwise who knows I'd probably lost all function of my hand that I write with. There are people you can call. Or just go for a walk. Suicide is cool but when you fail you wish you never attempted. Keep my name anonmous thanks."

Picture 048 to 051 by ALEX Anonymous
"Idk if you even need these anymore,but I was Google-ing tryin to figure out what I did wrong when I slit my wrists,& I found your page.The pics of my left wrist/arm aren't too deep & I stitched myself,the one on my right wrist only got me stitches & a 3 day stay on the crazy floor of the hospital."



Pictures 052 to 055 by Jocelyn Isabella Adams

"Calling all practicing wrist cutter! I am creating a new gallery for those who love to slit their wrist therefore I am collecting pictures of wrist being slit or wounds resulting from wrist slitting. If you could send it those pictures and your name too, I can add it in the gallery, just so the others can see how cool you really are. "

Please send pictures and your name to: 

other sent in pictures:
- Ash Wilson
- You, Me and the Devil Makes 3 more to the Gallery
- Wendy Johnson's Mariner's Compass
- How Deep Does the Cut has to be?
- Deep Cuts
- Just Slit Your Wrist like Cheap Coupons
- We All Bleed
- The Heart-Shaped Cut
- My End
- Hidden Scars
- New Pictures from You's
- how to slit your wrist the right way
- slit your wrists
- the most painless way to commit suicide
- I am a murderer
- Jesus was a suicide
- Warning, Read at your Own Risk